Study for your USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2CK, COMLEX Level 1, COMLEX Level 2, or even your PANCE while on the go. Knock out your daily Firecracker MD, Firecracker DO, or Firecracker PA review tasks directly from the Firecracker mobile app.
The Firecracker app is great for studying whenever you can find the time. You can quickly move through your Today’s To-Dos review of USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, COMLEX Level 1, COMLEX Level 2, or PANCE content while waiting in line at the store, while in-between rounds one the wards, or use the Read to Me function to listen as you head to class. Now, there’s no need to wait to sit in front of a laptop computer to practice case vignette questions in Study Something Specific – just scroll to the right to get started – or take practice tests on your mobile device in Take an Exam.
The app was designed to sync your progress and performance with your desktop usage. Questions answered in either will be counted in the other. Best yet, if you lose access to an internet connection while on the move, the questions you’ve answered will sync once a connection is reestablished.
The Firecracker app is intended to act as a companion to the core Firecracker MD, Firecracker DO and Firecracker PA desktop experiences. Your USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, COMLEX Level 1, COMLEX Level 2 and PANCE daily review tasks will appear in the mobile app each day, and you can create additional ‘Get Ahead’ tasks if you’d like to continue burning through your stack of high priority questions. You will also be able to solve your Daily Patient Case on the mobile app.
在旅途中学习USMLE步骤1,USMLE步骤2CK,COMLEX级别1,COMLEX级别2甚至您的PANCE。直接从Firecracker移动应用程序中删除您的日常Firecracker MD,Firecracker DO或Firecracker PA复查任务。
Firecracker应用程序旨在与Firecracker MD,Firecracker DO和Firecracker PA桌面核心体验相伴。您的USMLE步骤1,USMLE步骤2,COMLEX级别1,COMLEX级别2和PANCE每日检查任务将每天出现在移动应用程序中,并且如果您想继续燃烧自己的内容,则可以创建其他“ Get Ahead”任务。一堆高优先级的问题。您还可以在移动应用程序上解决您的Daily Patient Case。